Learn coding in fun and easy steps
Learn coding
in fun and easy steps
Pick the Best Learning Path for Your Kid
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Pick the Best Learning Path
for Your Kid
Explore Our Learning Paths Here
About Our Coding Courses for Kids
Glad to find your website
Online Python coding course was the only answer to our hectic schedule. Glad to find your website.
this Python coding course for children is nice
As a software engineer parent I think that this Python coding course for children is nice as it familiarizes them with the environment and is a good way for kids to start out a text based language.
My sons fully engaged in this course!
My sons have recently finished your Scratch course and I see that they are fully engaged when they use this program. They create their own games and google everything new about it. Now they are looking at other courses, can customer service please get in touch with us to suggest what better to take next.
Highly recommended!
I bought your course on a rainy day when I had to cancel my son’s tennis class. He was nagging and didn’t want to do it but as soon as I played the first tutorial he was gripped! Highly recommended!