Learn coding in fun and easy steps
Learn coding
in fun and easy steps
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Pick the Best Learning Path
for Your Kid
Explore Our Learning Paths Here
About Our Coding Courses for Kids
Highly recommended!
Embassy.education Minecraft course teaches programming functions like algorithms, variables, and spirals. It’s more than playing. Highly recommended!
IMHO this course is a stepping stone for future game designers.
Thank you!
My daughter had played Minecraft game before but I thought she wasn’t making any progress and wouldn’t use her imagination that much. I started to think that maybe she isn’t just creative at all until I found your Minecraft coding course. It not only teaches them how to navigate through the platform but also enables them to grow their own ideas. Thank you!
Kudos to you for your brilliant teachers and courses!
Kudos to you for your brilliant teachers and courses. Enrolling my son in your Scratch 3.0 was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Since I work at home I could sometimes listen to Johnathan’s instructions and the way he would guide my son during his private sessions. He was poised, kind, and ready to help but wasn’t that kind of “helicopter teacher” who won’t let the kid make mistakes. My son did his homework on time after every session not because of the fact that he had to do so but because he realy loved the lessons he received and loved his teacher so much.