Learn coding in fun and easy steps
Learn coding
in fun and easy steps
Pick the Best Learning Path for Your Kid
Explore Our Learning Paths Here
Pick the Best Learning Path
for Your Kid
Explore Our Learning Paths Here
About Our Coding Courses for Kids
Strongly recommended!
It began with your Facebook page about coding for kids which I found accidentally. To be honest we were hesitant to register our 6 year old son in an online coding class because we didn’t think he would learn that much but finally decided to give it a shot because of what we saw from your online support service. We left our number and a friendly lady called us and explained which program to choose. We decided to end up with ScratchJr private tuition program. Strongly recommended!
Thank you so much for introducing this awesome course!
Thank you so much for introducing this awesome course! For my son it was in one breath from the moment he took free trial classes. As he was going through the course, he became more confident. Today, when I asked if I should purchase the next level, he shouted out “Yes of course, are you still asking!” I never knew he would be so into it. The course is very structural and goes from simple to complex, and the child doesn’t get distracted by unnecessary words, it is straight to the point.
Thanks for providing children this opportunity.
We registered our son in your Minecraft camp. Thanks for providing children this opportunity.
So far it s good
We bought an in person course with Pheobi. So far it s good.