Learn coding in fun and easy steps
Learn coding
in fun and easy steps
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Pick the Best Learning Path
for Your Kid
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About Our Coding Courses for Kids
Scratch is great for coding!
Scratch is great for coding. My daughter’s been using it for 2 years and now her sister is learning it with Embassy.Education
Your teachers are great and inspiring
Your teachers are great and inspiring
Very nice person and teacher!
Scratch junior looks exactly like Scratch but easier. About the platform i would say that dragging and dropping sprites is no big deal for my 5year old child and it looks she knows what she’s dowing. There are both written structures and animated guides but we didn’t risk it and had Esther to teach our daughter to work with it. A very nice person and teacher.
Very colorful and vibrant sprites!
Very colorful and vibrant sprites. Kids love them. Don’t hesitate to start scratch jr at all.