Learn coding in fun and easy steps
Learn coding
in fun and easy steps
Pick the Best Learning Path for Your Kid
Explore Our Learning Paths Here
Pick the Best Learning Path
for Your Kid
Explore Our Learning Paths Here
About Our Coding Courses for Kids
This Python coding course is for teenagers not children
This Python coding course is for teenagers not children. They learn making artworks and emojis which is hard for younger kids. Pay attention to your child’s age before purchasing.
It was a wonderful experience for my children
We chose ScratchJr for our sons as a means of teaching them computer programming. They started off by a teacher directed course to get familiar with the platform and the components. My older son used his dad’s laptop and my younger one used my tablet. The program runs smoothly on both devices. It was a wonderful experience for them.
Great Gift for my Nephew 🙂
I bought your course for my nephew. Thank you
I chose Roblox because of your lesson structure
My son liked playing Minecraft very much and I wanted to encourage him to spend his time more productively. I didn’t buy your Minecraft course because he was already spending too much time on playing it and I wanted him to take some distance. I chose Roblox because of your lesson structure. At first it was hard for him to convince himself to do learning instead of just playing but after a while he got comfortable with watching tutorials and doing homework afterwards. It’s so unbelievable how this course changed his mind.