
Full Python Advanced Course

59.10 $

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Rated 4.8 out of 5
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Our full Python advanced course is divided into three levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. The course, at the Beginner level, starts with teaching the command line and its use, conditionals, loops, and ends with functions and their application. The Intermediate level deals with object-oriented programming and kids get to build a couple of exciting apps such as the Hangman game, BMI calculator, Pong game, and Random Password Generator. This is where children work with the Turtle module and Tkinter. The Advanced lessons of this course include teaching the concept of web scraping, making a stock app, understanding the notion of APIs, and recognizing automation patterns.

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25 Lessons

Access to Course

4 Months


13+ Years Old




Yes – You can also add homework checking by a professional tutor to this package (Optional)


You can add private tutor to this package (Optional)


Yes – A PDF certificate of completion will be awarded for Python Coding Course



Beginner Python Advanced Lessons (1 – 11)

Python Advanced Lesson 1:
Commad Line
• Understand what is the command line
• Know the uses of the command line
• Find out what is PIP
Python Advanced Lesson 2:
• Learn about conditionals
• Know when to use if, elif and else
• Learn about booleans
Python Advanced Lesson 3:
While Loops
• Understand the flow of a while loop
• Learn to use break
• Learn how to stop an infinite loop
Python Advanced Lesson 4:
• Learn about exceptions
• Handle unexpected errors in a program
• Handle specific errors
Python Advanced Lesson 5:
Guessing Game
• Using while loops
• Type casting data types
• Accepting user input
Python Advanced Lesson 6:
• Learn about string slicing
• Manipulate lists
Python Advanced Lesson 7:
Indexing Advanced
• Learn to find strings within strings
• Learn to open text files
• Process data according to your needs
Python Advanced Lesson 8:
Rock Paper Scissors
• Using the random module
• Creating rules for the game using if statements
Python Advanced Lesson 9:
• Learn about the concept of key-value pairs
• Manipulating dictionaries
Python Advanced Lesson 10:
Storage Facility Program
• Process user input
• Manipulate dictionaries
Python Advanced Lesson 11:
• Learn to use functions in a program
• Learn to accept arguments in a function


Intermediate Python Advanced Lessons (12 – 19)

Python Advanced Lesson 12:
Object Oriented Programming
• Learn about classes and objects
• Create attributes in a class
• Learn and use the constructor __init__
Python Advanced Lesson 13:
Hangman game
• Use ascii art
• Picking random items from a list
• Utilizing functions
Python Advanced Lesson 14:
• Learn the basics of making an App
• Create a label, button and entry fields
• Receiving input from an entry field
Python Advanced Lesson 15:
BMI calculator
• Learn to design an app
• Processing user input from entry fields
• Using a grid system
Python Advanced Lesson 16:
Random password generator
• Generate a random alpha numeric password
• Display the output inside of an entry field
Python Advanced Lesson 17:
Turtle module – basics
• Learn to draw shapes with a turtle
• Using a loop to continuously move the turtle
Python Advanced Lesson 18:
Pong game
• Create a multiplayer game
• Know how to control turtles
• Track scores of players
Python Advanced Lesson 19:
Pong game pt.2
• Process x and y coordinates
• Create a constant change of a turtle’s position


Advanced Python Advanced Lessons (20 – 25)

Python Advanced Lesson 20:
Typing speed test
• Utilizing the time module
• Formatting strings
Python Advanced Lesson 21:
Web scraping
• Learning the concept of web scraping
• Learning about the request module
• Learning how to process html
Python Advanced Lesson 22:
Stock app
• Scraping information from a website
• Processing user input
• Outputting scraped information into an app
Python Advanced Lesson 23:
• Understanding JSON
• Parsing JSON
• Understanding the concept of APIs
Python Advanced Lesson 24:
• Processing command line arguments
• Learning the OS module
Python Advanced Lesson 25:
WhatsApp automation
• Learning about image recognition
• Learn how to recognize patterns for automation
• Automating actions
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Our Customer and Client Reviews:

I recommend considering homework checking

Rated 5 out of 5

My daughter had the other python course first and is having this one now. If you ask for my advice I recommend considering homework checkings and even a couple of sessions with a private teacher because kids WILL face some challenges and problems on the way and learning python can be quite challenging although it’s fun and rewarding too.

Jonathan Raz

My Daughter really loved her teacher and lessons

Rated 5 out of 5

My husband & I wanted our daughter to continue taking programming lessons the day she finished your Scratch course. She really loved her teacher and lessons and always wanted to learn more. This is the fifth course she’s taking and has never been more confident. We bought it based on our good experience with you.

Aiyee Han.

Every time i buy a coding course from Embassy i get surprised

Rated 5 out of 5

Every time i buy a coding course from Embassy i get surprised. Your video tutprials are great. Please do a course for web design.

Muhammad Asurad

Helpful and Challengeable for kids

Rated 4 out of 5

Advanced Python is something that I was looking for for a while now. Most of the kids’ courses aren’t that helpful but this one really exceeded my expectations. I wanted something that would challenge children with hands on activities and teach them real programming. This course is exactly what I wanted.

Dr. Rayan E.